
Category: Resources

  • Lean data: Big benefits for smallholder supply chains


    Lean data: Big benefits for smallholder supply chains

    Our Smallholdr customised mobile app and web-based dashboards empower our clients to better manage their smallholder supply chains and deliver ‘lean data’. Lean data, a concept developed by Acumen, puts the voice of the customer at the heart of impact measurement; it is the collection of high quality impact data to demonstrate social change with…

  • Great outgrower software solutions start with excellent requirements capture


    Great outgrower software solutions start with excellent requirements capture

    At Smallholdr we want our clients to stay with us for the duration, and we believe that the groundwork we put in to get to know them in the beginning is the key to a long and happy relationship. The reason that outgrower (and other agricultural) digitisation projects often fail is down to poorly executed…